Therapy for depression
Depression causes feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and reduced energy. People who suffer from depression often report a loss of interest in things they used to enjoy, feelings of lethargy, sometimes loss of ability to concentrate, and isolation. Although sadness can be a part of depression sadness and depression are not the same thing. Sadness is an emotion that when expressed and met with care brings relief. Depression is a state of being. You can think of the difference as climate versus weather. Sadness is like the weather it comes and it goes depending on what is happening. Depression on the other hand is like the climate it is more wide-reaching. You can have a warm sunny day in the Arctic but the majority of your days are going to be cold.
Therapy can help with both situational sadness as well as depressive disorders (MDD (Major Depressive d/o, Dysthymia (mild, persistent), Bipolar d/o ( formerly called Manic Depression), and Post Pardum Depression.
The more we process our emotions the less they are trapped and we are trapped inside ourselves. Relational therapies can help us feel heard, understood, and less alone. Therapy can help us understand how we came to feel the way we did and how we can shift our frame to see things differently.
Depression Therapy at CAP New York City
At CAP, we help people who are facing situational or clinical depression. According to a 2021 study by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), 35.8% of New York adults reported experiencing symptoms of depression and anxiety, which is significantly higher than the national average. Although several factors may have contributed to these numbers, it highlights the urgency for providing quality mental healthcare services. As our offices are located in the Flatiron area, right in the heart of the city, we are even more passionate about helping New Yorkers who may be struggling with depression.
When we are feeling depressed we can lose hope and motivation two things that we generally rely on to push us to seek therapy. The hope is that we can make a positive change in our lives and have the motivation to get out there schedule some consultations and find a therapist. We understand how hard it can be to get started when we are in a low place and we want to remove any and all barriers we can. We help people by carefully assessing what they are experiencing, what they want out of treatment, and what their unique personal needs are. We work closely with you to find the best possible fit whether that person is within our highly skilled staff or whether we need to refer you out to our vast network of trusted New York providers.

“There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.”